Monday, May 23, 2011

Exploring London

It was sort of a spontaneous decision, but on Sunday morning we packed up the kids, hopped on the train, and went off to see the sights of London! The ride was about 35 minutes, and from there we got a double-decker bus to Trafalgar Square. 

From there we went a-walkin'.

 Random guy on a horse.

 At first seeing these iconic double-decker buses is exciting. 
Then you realize that they're everywhere...

 A peek of the London Eye through the trees. 
We didn't visit, but plan to go back another day to check it out.

 You know who.

 Where Kate went into Westminster Abbey to marry her Prince.

 The spectacular front of Westminster Abbey.

We stopped for lunch. The kids got their kiddie meals, which came with the biggest servings of ice cream they'd ever seen!   As you can see, Aili was really disappointed to see it.

 No time to smile for the camera. I've got a mountain of ice cream in front of me!

While we did enjoy our short visit to London, we had a few challenges with it. First, the city is full of culture and history, galleries and museums. None of which are interesting in the slightest to two- and three-year olds. Even Aili gets tired of pointing out double-decker buses!
Secondly, the weather was very windy, swirling around very high levels of pollen. It was like a yellow snowstorm in the streets! We all found ourselves with scratchy throats and burning eyes. Just bad timing, I guess.
Finally, one of the complications of travelling with wee guys is that dual blessing/curse: naptime. It leaves you with a fairly short morning window to accomplish things. Throw in a couple of train rides and a lunch break, and the inevitable happens: you run out of time. The sugar from the gigantic bowl of ice cream burns up and your kid crashes, heavy and drooling on your shoulder in the train. Sweet little dude.

London, we'll be back. Two hours at a time.

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